Campus Life » Campus Life » Community Service Information

Community Service Information

Community Service is a requirement at Calvary Chapel Middle School.
The purpose of a community service project is to develop leadership by helping those who are in need in our community.
Community Service is under the Bible Department. This will be entered into the gradebook as 5% of their overall grade each semester.·        
Students must complete 4 hours per semester/8 per year.·        
The instructions for entering hours into FACTS can be found in Bible Google Classrooms.       
The final day to enter hours for community service into FACTS for first semester is Wednesday, January 18, 2023, and Wednesday, June 7, 2023, for second semester.·        
Summer community service hours can be turned in and logged towards your service hours by selecting the start of school date when entering on FACTS.
Guideline Do's;
Students may serve at any church or non-profit ministry (soup kitchens, homeless ministries, etc.) 
Students may serve youth athletic programs (volunteering as a referee, assisting with practices, etc.) 
Students serve with an organization to help clean up our beaches or parks
Guideline Don’ts;
Students may not do any work for a for-profit corporation, business or do anything for payment. 
Students may not receive service hours for donating money, groceries, clothing or unwanted items. 
Students may not help teachers on campus; unless it has been approved by the school principal. 
CCCM Community Service Events
 Community Service opportunities are often available with our church, Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. These opportunities might be found on the website or in the Sunday morning bulletin. opportunities.